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The detection methods and characteristics of electrolytic capacitors are introduced

    Electrolytic capacitor is a capacitor composed of two parallel metal plates and electrolysis placed between the two metal plates. Electrolytic capacitor plays the role of power filter, decoupling and DC isolation in power circuit. Next, oukaixinrui will introduce the detection methods and characteristics of electrolytic capacitors!

1、 Correct selection of resistance block of multimeter    
Since the capacity of electrolytic capacitor is much larger than that of general fixed capacitor, appropriate range shall be selected for different capacities. According to experience, generally, the capacitance between 1 and 47uF can be measured with r*1k gear, and the capacitance greater than 47uF can be measured with r*100 gear. 

2、 Measuring leakage resistance    
    Connect the red lead of the multimeter to the negative pole and the black lead to the positive pole. At the moment of contact, the multimeter pointer deflects to the right by a large margin (for the same electrical barrier, the greater the capacity, the greater the swing), and then gradually turns to the left until it stops at a certain position. Then, adjust the red and black probes, and the multimeter pointer will repeat the above swing phenomenon. During the test, if there is no charging phenomenon in both the forward and reverse directions, that is, the pointer does not move, it indicates that the capacity has disappeared or there is an internal short circuit. If the measured resistance value is very small or zero, it indicates that the capacitor has a large leakage or has been broken down and damaged, and cannot be used again.

3、 Polarity discrimination
    For electrolytic capacitors with unclear positive and negative pole marks, the above method of measuring leakage resistance can be used to distinguish. That is, measure the leakage resistance at will, remember its size, and then exchange the probes to measure a resistance value. The one with the same resistance value in the two measurements is the positive connection method, that is, the black probe is connected to the positive electrode, and the red probe is connected to the negative electrode.

Characteristics of electrolytic capacitor:
    1、 The capacitance per unit volume is very large, dozens to hundreds of times larger than other kinds of capacitors.
    2、 The rated capacity can be very large and can easily reach tens of thousands μ F or even several f (but it cannot be compared with the capacitance of electric double layer).
    3、 The price has an overwhelming advantage over other types, because the constituent materials of electrolytic capacitors are ordinary industrial materials, such as aluminum, etc.

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