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The matching between the efficiency of the speaker and the output power of the power amplifier

    The matching between the efficiency of the speaker and the output power of the power amplifier is related to the design orientation of the speaker and the power amplifier.
    First, let‘s talk about the reason why the design of speakers makes a pair of speakers efficient but eat incessantly. In modern speakers, the combination of speaker units is mostly more than two-way combination, and some even use the flagship combination of dozens of units. Due to the large number of units used, the design of the sound splitter is more complex. In order to accommodate the working characteristics and efficiency of each unit and correct the working phase of the unit, the sound splitter Shao uses no small capacitance, resistance and coil, and these parts will consume a lot of power. Although the sensitivity and efficiency of the unit are very high, it can be driven with little power, but when many units work together, the driving current is very large, If the current output of the power amplifier is insufficient, it will cause distortion. If the volume is forced to increase, and the power amplifier itself has no overload protection design, it will burn the power amplifier or even the unit of the speaker.

    Enthusiasts often have a misunderstanding that a power amplifier with a large wattage must have good power. In fact, the size of the wattage is only one of the indicators of the power amplifier. The most important thing is to see the size of its output current. Don‘t you see that the portable travel sound combinations with only a few kilograms on the market have a power of hundreds of Watts? Will you believe that a power amplifier with only a few large batteries has this ability? As long as you think about it, the electric rice fort with hundreds of watts of power can cook. Can you do it with a few batteries? These figures that even manufacturers blush when they see them are just the boos of some businessmen. If the current is sufficient, the power amplifier must have a strong power supply, which can only be achieved with a strong output stage. When the current can meet the needs of many units of the speaker, the effect of beautiful sound can be achieved. This is the reason why the modern flagship level or those high-end power amplifiers have only three or hundreds of watts of output, and their weight is amazing.

    The principle of cooperation between speaker and power amplifier depends not only on the efficiency of speaker, but also on its current requirements. Just looking at its efficiency and matching the power amplifier often makes the mistake in the example I mentioned before.

    Speaking of this, you may think, do I have a rear stage with large wattage and strong current, which can cooperate with any speaker in the world? You are wrong! Many people have tried to use some high current power amplifiers to push some high-efficiency speakers, but the effect is not as good as some fine wattage and fine current power amplifiers. Why? This involves the design of horn units, especially those designed before the 1970s and those horn speakers. At that time, the power amplifiers produced by general manufacturers were only a few watts to dozens of watts. At that time, the design sensitivity and efficiency of the speaker unit were very high, and the current needed was very small. It only needed a few watts of power amplifier to push it to the earth. However, many manufacturers are still producing such speakers, including JBL, klipsh, Lowther, Altec, TAD and other brands. With the continuous improvement, some of these products can not only have the characteristics of high efficiency, but also bear a lot of power. However, some products can only use low-power power amplifiers to make a good sound. For example, if you use some slightly high-power amplifiers (for example, more than 10 watts), you will completely lose its unique charm and beauty. From klipsh‘s speaker, it is only suitable for some low wattage amplifiers with beautiful sound, If you push it with some power amplifier with strong current and high wattage, the sound will only appear hard, and the quack will completely lose its own timbre and temperament.

    In addition to the above phenomena, what is more interesting is that some inefficient speakers are pushed by some fine power amplifiers. How can this be explained? In addition, some people use a 100 watt machine to push it, but they lose even Lishui to a power amplifier with only a few tens of watts. What‘s the reason? In addition, the performance of a few watt stone machine is not much worse than that of some tens of watt stone machines. What‘s the reason? Why does a power amplifier with tens of Watts burn the speaker unit, while a power amplifier with hundreds of watts can‘t burn the unit at the same volume? I believe this is where enthusiasts are confused.

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