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Urgent order! There is a demand for inventory replenishment of pen and mobile phone related terminals

    Introduction: The pressure of semiconductor inventory appeared in 2022 and has been adjusted for a period of time. Recently, the good news of sporadic urgent orders in the supply chain seems to make the industrial atmosphere gradually warm.
    Today, according to Taiwan, China Economic Daily, in the recent semiconductor market, there has been a small amount of inventory replenishment demand for notebook and mobile phone related applications, including IC design plants such as Lianyong, Yilong, Duntai, Weiquandian, and so on. There has been a small amount of short-term urgent orders.
    It is reported that the relevant manufacturers have said frankly that the market situation has returned, but there are at least some orders at the beginning. Even if the quantity is not large, reducing inventory is still a priority goal. Therefore, "whether it is a long order or a urgent order, it is good for customers to take the goods". The manufacturer said frankly that the visibility is still limited, and most customers are only willing to place urgent orders rather than long orders. Therefore, some IC design factories prefer to let customers wait for goods after placing orders rather than prepare too much inventory first.
Source: Network
    With the gradual reduction of inventory, the overall supply chain has indeed received relatively good news recently, partly because the semiconductor inventory adjustment has been carried out for a period of time, and customers will naturally have a small amount of inventory replenishment. On the other hand, the demand driven by the unsealing of many places has also been boosted. Although this effect is still relatively unknown, it also adds more imagination to the upcoming May Day and 618 shopping festivals.
    According to previous reports, in the near future, Taiwan, China manufacturers, in addition to Ruiyu, Shengqun, Lianyong and other IC designers, have received urgent orders, the conductor frame director Ke also said that consumer electronics has been adjusted for six quarters, and now there are urgent orders; Jingyuan Power, a big testing company, saw that the "Wafer bank" was gradually released, and the number of days in stock showed a downward trend.
    From the perspective of price, the semiconductor supply chain has been in a price deadlock for some time in the past, and the market is also worried that the inventory de-stocking process will be prolonged. However, recently, the industry has generally made concessions and compromises. The wafer foundry in Taiwan, China, China, has introduced more "disguised price reduction" measures. At present, the price is stable. As long as customers are willing to invest more films, they will be given free wafers or price concessions, which is also conducive to the market to accelerate inventory reduction.
    For the foundry industry of wafer, IC design companies have the opportunity to improve the casting strength under the effect of urgent orders. The market generally expects that the performance of domestic wafer factories in the second quarter will decrease, and there is a chance to converge than expected. As for the sealing and testing factory, with the decline of Wafer bank and the replenishment of customers‘ inventory, the performance of the second quarter can strive to hit the bottom and recover.
    It is worth noting that some insiders believe that the demand for urgent orders does inject a little warmth into the industry, but urgent orders are urgent orders after all, and do not represent long-term order commitments. Considering the current global economic recession concerns, terminal demand, customer deferred orders and various environmental changes, it is not yet time to usher in a comprehensive recovery, but this year‘s trend may be better quarter by quarter and mildly.
    On the whole, although there is no overall shortage of automotive and industrial control chips, the demand is still stable, while consumer chips are at the bottom of the valley. There are also some urgent demand for some chips, such as Netcom and TV, and the inventory is gradually reduced. Therefore, the semiconductor factory aims to be better in the second half of this year than in the first half of this year. In the long run, the boom has been up and down, and the industry is still optimistic about the increase of semiconductor content of electronic products and the trend of new applications such as AI and automotive, and expects to return to the boom in 2024.
    In general, looking back on the past boom cycle of the semiconductor industry, there will be a wave of inventory adjustment every 3-4 years, about 2-3 quarters. This wave of inventory adjustment showed signs in the second quarter of 2022. It is estimated that the appointment will return to normal in the first half of this year, which is also in line with the expectation of TSMC. The semiconductor supply chain inventory will be significantly reduced in the first half of 2023 to balance to a healthier level.


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