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Written at the beginning of the new year - edge intelligence, enabling the digital future

    Author: Zhao Chuanyu, vice president of sales in ADI China
    All things are new. It has been a week since the start of the new year. Everyone has hopes for the new year, and we are also looking at the surrounding environment and discussing the vision of the new year. In the new year, the world still faces challenges of all sizes, and even the most authoritative economists cannot give accurate predictions. In the longer term, the pace of technology and human progress has never stopped, running through various cycles up and down, which may be the best interpretation of long-term doctrine. There is a small line under ADI‘s logo, "Beyond all possibilities". I think this is also the expectation of ADI people who have confidence and resilience for the New Year.
Zhao Chuanyu, vice president of sales in ADI China

Technology is the path and dependence
    In the continuous evolution of technology, it can always create wealth quietly and achieve economic prosperity. Every five or ten years, there are always some hot words that have become the key factors driving market growth and innovation, such as digital media in the early 1990s, mobile internet in about 2000, and later cloud computing; We may find that the emergence of hot words at present is dazzling, more than in any previous era: digital medicine, intelligent industry, metauniverse, automatic driving, new energy... We have reason to believe that even with many uncertain factors, the opportunities in this era are unprecedented.
    The new generation of AI technology gives more and more devices the ability to learn experience, adapt to changes and predict results, and everything becomes more intelligent. We have entered a decade of pervasive intelligence, characterized by situational awareness of intelligent devices. These devices can identify information and interact through visual, sound and other sensing methods, and do not need stable and persistent connection to the cloud, which can provide users with more efficient, agile and safe response. Mobile Internet and cloud computing have brought brilliant applications to the world in the last decade. In this decade, edge intelligence will truly lead us to realize the digital transformation of all walks of life, breaking the boundaries, and bringing people surprises, imagination and influence will be immeasurable. By bringing powerful computing power close to the position where data is generated and consumed, edge intelligence can stimulate greater potential to achieve faster, lower cost, safer and more reliable operation in various fields such as autonomous vehicle, virtual reality, digital medicine and industrial automation. The benefits of edge intelligence: First, reduce latency to improve user experience; The second is to reduce the required bandwidth, thus reducing the cost of network services; Third, improve the security and privacy of data. The importance of data as the soul of edge intelligence is self-evident. In the past five or six decades of its own semiconductor technology, ADI has been deeply rooted in the boundary between the real world and the digital world. We perceive the physical phenomena of the real world, transform them into numbers, and analyze them to form insights and guide decision-making. We have reason to believe in the research of "edge", the place where data was born and applied, It will bring more possibilities to unlock the future.

Industry, build together with customers
    The experience of serving customers in different industries makes us clearly see that the development of edge intelligence will become the key to the digital transformation of the industry and affect the future we are most concerned about: bringing changes to the medical and health industry, improving the treatment effect and quality of life of patients, and improving the arrival rate of medical services; Respond to climate change by improving electrification, renewable energy and industrial efficiency; Release productivity through factory intelligence and automation. Activating edge intelligence and enabling the power of digital to empower all walks of life can not be separated from our customers, who are the forerunners of industry digitalization and better understand the needs and pain points of the industry. With these needs and pain points, we will seek technical realization with ADI. Realizing customers‘ expectations means an all-round collaboration - industry experience, system thinking, software and algorithms, not just providing hardware products. In fact, we work closely with customers in various industries to strengthen the integrity and ease of use of semiconductor solutions in the system dimension, and work together with customers to develop and realize the value of industry digitalization.
    Looking back at the Chinese market, we are excited to see that many customers in the fields of industry, automobile, new energy, medical treatment and so on have gained leading advantages in the global market. The activation of edge intelligence in these industries will also become the "new blue ocean" that we will explore with our customers. We often hear people say, "Many industries have not heard of it decades ago.". I think this also describes the unique charm of the technology creation industry from the side. The so-called edge intelligent enabling industry will bring new opportunities to traditional industries, and even disruptive new industries and markets.

Pray for healthier people and the earth
    Now we are using differentiated technology and customers to shape new industries and markets, and constantly breeding new vitality and power from changes. With regard to the choice of the market, we return to the human needs themselves - healthier people and the earth. In recent years, industries such as digital medicine, new energy and intelligence, which echo the issues of the times, have shown vigorous vitality. The reason is that these fields are in line with people‘s deep pursuit and yearning for safer, greener, healthier and more efficient life.
    We are living in the tide of technology, which represents an era more than any other features. We hope that the development of marginal intelligence will have a positive impact on medical health, climate change and other aspects, and make human beings and the earth on which we live healthier. The new year has come. In the face of new opportunities, we have set out to welcome a wonderful year in the face of edge intelligence, the entrance to the digital world.

About ADI
    Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI) is a leading semiconductor company in the world, committed to building a bridge between the real world and the digital world to achieve breakthrough innovation in the field of intelligent edge. ADI provides solutions combining analog, digital and software technologies to promote the sustainable development of digital chemical plants, automobiles, digital medical and other fields, address the challenges of climate change, and establish a reliable interconnection between people and everything in the world. ADI‘s revenue in fiscal year 2022 exceeded $12 billion, with more than 24000 employees worldwide. Together with 125000 customers around the world, ADI helps innovators constantly surpass all possibilities.


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