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Five departments issued the action plan for the integration of virtual reality and industrial applications

Source: Home of IT
    On November 1, it was reported that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the State Sports Administration had issued the Action Plan for the Integration of Virtual Reality and Industrial Applications (2022-2026). It is proposed that by 2026, the key technologies of 3D, virtual reality integration, immersing audio and video will be broken through, the new generation of humanized virtual reality terminal products will be enriched, the industrial ecology will be further improved, virtual reality will be applied in a large scale in important economic and social industries, a number of key enterprises and industrial clusters with strong international competitiveness will be formed, and an industrial development pattern will be created where technology, products, services and applications will flourish together.
    It is learned that the Action Plan proposes five key tasks:
    Task 1: Promote the integration and innovation of key technologies. Improve the endogenous ability and enabling ability of "virtual reality+", accelerate the technological breakthroughs in key subdivisions such as near eye display, rendering, perceptual interaction, network transmission, content production, compression coding, security and credibility, and strengthen the deep integration with new generation information technologies such as 5G and AI.
    Task 2: Improve the supply capacity of the whole industrial chain. Facing the demand orientation of mass consumption and industry, we will comprehensively improve the industrial supply capacity of key virtual reality devices, terminal peripherals, business operation platforms, content production tools, and special information infrastructure. Improve the comfort, ease of use and safety of terminal products.
    Task 3: Accelerate the implementation of multi industry and multi scenario applications. Facing the goal of integration and application development of scale and characteristics, deepen the organic integration of virtual reality and industry in industrial production, cultural tourism, integration of media, education and training, sports and health, business creativity, entertainment, safety emergency, disability assistance, smart city and other fields.
    Task 4: Strengthen the construction of industrial public service platform. Facing the common needs of the industry, relying on the industry‘s superior resources, we will focus on building a common application technology support platform, an immersive content integration development platform, and an integrated application incubation and cultivation platform, and continue to optimize the support environment for the development of the virtual reality industry.
   Task 5: Build the integrated application standard system. Strengthen the top-level design of standards and build a comprehensive standard system of virtual reality covering the whole industrial chain. Accelerate the formulation and promotion of key standards such as health comfort and content production process, and promote the research of virtual reality application standards.
   In addition, the Action Plan proposes three special projects. First, the key technology integration and innovation project. Put forward the specific development direction of near eye display technology, rendering processing technology, perceptual interaction technology, network transmission technology, content production technology, compression coding technology, security and trustworthiness technology. Second, the whole industry chain supply promotion project. Propose the specific development direction of key components, terminal peripherals, business operation platforms, content production tools, and special information infrastructure. Third, multi scenario application integration promotion project. Priority should be given to large-scale and highly mature industries (including VR/AR industrial empowerment, VR/AR immersive tourism experience, VR/AR mass fitness, VR/AR online broadcasting, VR/AR smart business district).
   The Action Plan proposes to comprehensively improve the industrial supply capacity of key virtual reality devices, terminal peripherals, business operation platforms, content production tools, and special information infrastructure. Research and develop high-performance virtual reality special processing chips, near eye displays and other key devices, promote the development of integrated, split and other diversified terminal products, and improve the comfort, ease of use and security of terminal products. Increase investment in the development of content production tools and improve the supply level of high-quality content.
   The Action Plan proposes to build a number of virtual reality classrooms, teaching and research sections, laboratories and virtual simulation training bases in primary and secondary schools, higher education and vocational schools, develop a number of virtual reality digital courses based on the syllabus for experimental and associative teaching content, strengthen the interactive practice between students and various virtual objects, complex phenomena and abstract concepts, and promote the upgrading of teaching mode to independent experience, Create an immersive new classroom that supports independent inquiry and collaborative learning. Serve the major national strategy, promote "Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching 2.0", support the construction of a number of key virtual simulation experiment training projects, and accelerate the training of scarce talents.


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