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It is reported that TSMC 1 Nanometer Plant is planned to be located in Taoyuan Longtan Park, and the official response is that it does not rule out any possibility

Source: Home of IT
    On November 2, it was reported that according to the Industrial and Commercial Times, TSMC would launch a pilot plan, and it was expected that the latest process with a size below 2 nanometers would be located in the Longtan Science Park under the jurisdiction of Hsinchu Science Park.
    In response, TSMC said that there are many considerations in the choice of plant location. TSMC will continue to invest in advanced manufacturing processes in Taiwan, China, China, without excluding any possibility, and continue to evaluate the suitable land for semiconductor plant construction in Taiwan. All shall be based on the official public announcement of the Company.
    In addition, the Administration of Xinzhu Science Park also said that the Longtan Science Park currently has a total development area of 107 hectares, 43 hectares of land that can be leased, and the rental rate has reached 99%. This means that if TSMC wants to expand its plant in Longtan, it may be difficult to obtain land that can be used for industry.
    The Bamboo Science Administration said that the development of each park has different topics. If manufacturers still have industrial development needs and policy support, the Bamboo Science Administration will eliminate difficulties, cooperate with local governments, actively assist in the layout of industrial land, and maintain Taiwan‘s leading position in the semiconductor industry.
    According to reports, Taiwan‘s semiconductor industry has a complete cluster. The ecosystem has been cultivated for more than 40 years, with more than 1000 suppliers. TSMC‘s most advanced manufacturing processes will also be invested locally.
    It is learned that TSMC has previously said that the 3nm process will be mass produced in the fourth quarter, and will increase the middle single digit percentage of revenue (about 4% to 6%) next year; The development progress of the upgraded N3E technology is ahead of schedule and is expected to be mass produced in the second half of next year.
    According to public information, the Longtan Park Base under the jurisdiction of Zhuke has about 7000 employees, with an overall annual turnover of more than NT $50 billion. The projects to be settled in are mainly integrated circuit, optoelectronics and biotechnology industries. At present, there have been settled in industries including TSMC, Hybrid Technology, Apple Branch, etc.


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