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The new national standards for audio and video, information and communication equipment will be implemented in August 2023, requiring wireless chargers to recognize metal foreign objects

    Today, the State Administration of market supervision held a special press conference to introduce the newly revised mandatory national standard "audio and video, information technology and communication technology equipment Part 1: Safety requirements".

    Guohuanxin, a first-class inspector of the Department of standards and technology management of the State Administration of market supervision, said that the new version of the standard is based on the original two mandatory national standards "information technology equipment safety Part 1: General requirements" and "audio, video and similar electronic equipment safety requirements", covering audio and video, information technology and communication technology and other equipment, expanding the scope of application of the standard. In addition, the new standard considers the possible dangers of electric shock, fire, overheating, acousto-optic radiation and other six aspects during the use of various electronic products, and puts forward corresponding protection requirements and test methods, effectively improving the safety of electronic products.
    Guohuanxin said that for enterprises, the new standard solves the problem of difficult definition of previous applicable standards and improves the operation efficiency of enterprises. For consumers, the new standard has supplemented and combed the new hidden dangers brought by new products such as wireless chargers and Bluetooth headsets, ensuring the safety of consumers. For the country, the new standard is close to the international standard, which reduces the inadaptability of China‘s electronic equipment to the overseas market, and will effectively enhance the export of China‘s electronic products in the future.
    As for the scope of products to which the new standard applies, Liu Xiangang, vice president of the China Institute of electronic technology standardization, said that speakers, TVs, mobile phones, computers, printers, etc. common in daily life are applicable to the standard, and the release of the new standard is related to everyone‘s electronic product safety.

    For example, the new standard requires that wireless chargers must have the function of identifying metal foreign objects and stop energy transmission to foreign objects in time. Prevent the wireless charger from heating up metal objects through energy transmission and causing burns, fires and other hazards. For headphones, the new standard requires that when the volume of headphones exceeds the specified limit within a certain period of time, it should give a warning and ask the user to confirm. If the consumer does not confirm, the headphones should automatically reduce to a safe volume.
    It is worth mentioning that the new standard was issued on July 19, 2022 and will be officially implemented on August 1, 2023.
    The State Administration of market supervision released the annual report on China‘s anti monopoly law enforcement (2021) in June. The report points out that in 2021, the State Administration of market supervision received 27 cases of concentration of business operators in the semiconductor industry, 24 cases were filed and 26 cases were concluded, with a total transaction amount of 736.1 billion yuan. Moreover, the State Administration of market supervision is investigating the suspected abuse of market dominance by Samsung, micron and other companies.

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