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Ministry of industry and information technology: ensure the supply and price of automotive chips and upstream raw materials, and ensure the smooth and stable supply chain of the industrial chain

Source: cover news

    On July 7, the State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to steadily increase automobile consumption. Guoshougang, head of the first Department of equipment industry of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said at the meeting that he would strengthen the monitoring, research and judgment of industry operation, do a good job in ensuring the supply and price stability of automotive chips and upstream raw materials, and fully ensure the smoothness and stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain.

    Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other 16 departments issued the "several measures on Invigorating the circulation of automobiles and expanding automobile consumption" ("several measures"). Guoshougang said that the Ministry of industry and information technology will implement the requirements of the "several measures" and work with relevant departments to further expand the promotion scale of new energy vehicles. First, continue to improve the safety technical standards of new energy vehicles, and improve the performance level of power battery thermal runaway alarm, safety protection, low temperature adaptation and so on. Promote the integrated development of electrification and intelligent Internet technology, develop more service functions suitable for consumers, continue to improve the driving experience, and stimulate more purchase demand.

    The second is to create a good use environment. Strengthen the monitoring, research and judgment of industry operation, do a good job in ensuring the supply and price stability of automotive chips and upstream raw materials, and make every effort to ensure the smooth and stable supply chain of the industrial chain. We will implement the requirements of the State Council to steadily increase automobile and other bulk consumption, and encourage qualified places to introduce golden consumption promotion policies. Pay close attention to studying and clarifying the supporting policies such as the extension of the preferential purchase tax for new energy vehicles, optimize the "double points" management method, and do a good job in the effective connection with the decline of subsidies. We will carry out a new round of new energy vehicles to the countryside, organize and implement the pilot of comprehensive electrification in the public sector, speed up the construction of charging and changing facilities, and promote information sharing and unified settlement.

    In response to the local protection of the new energy vehicle market, Guo Shougang said that the opinions on building a national unified market issued in March 2022 clearly proposed "accelerating the clean-up and abolition of various regulations and practices that impede the unified market and fair competition". The anti monopoly law stipulates that discriminatory measures shall not be set for foreign goods, and several measures also propose that local vehicle model filing directories and unreasonable vehicle parameter indicators shall not be set. "In the early stage, we have cooperated with relevant departments to carry out special inspections on local protection issues. In the follow-up, we will strengthen the supervision and verification of local policies and measures, promote the construction of an efficient, standardized, fair competition, unified and open national market, and create a good environment for the large-scale development of new energy vehicles in China."

    It is reported that in recent years, the scale of China‘s new energy vehicle market has expanded rapidly, driving the rapid improvement of the market competitiveness of China‘s new energy vehicle products. In 2021, the consumer satisfaction of new energy vehicles has been equal to that of traditional fuel vehicles. Six of the top ten best-selling new energy vehicle models in the world are Chinese brand models. From January to May this year, the consumption of self owned brand new energy passenger vehicles has also accounted for more than 80%.

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