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The United States has "blackmailed" five Chinese Enterprises

    The US government on Tuesday blacklisted five Chinese enterprises on the grounds that they were suspected of supporting Russia‘s military and defense industrial bases. This move is to demonstrate the determination and strength of the United States to implement sanctions against Russia.

    The US government on Tuesday blacklisted five Chinese enterprises on the grounds that they were suspected of supporting Russia‘s military and defense industrial bases. This move is to demonstrate the determination and strength of the United States to implement sanctions against Russia.

    Among the five blackened Chinese enterprises, in addition to world Jetta Logistics Limited in Hong Kong, the other four - sinoelectronics Co., Ltd., King Pai Technology Co., Ltd., winninc electronic and connec electronic are all electronic component traders.

    It is reported that the inclusion of enterprises in this trade blacklist means that U.S. suppliers need to obtain permission from the U.S. Department of Commerce before exporting products to these enterprises.

    In response, the Chinese Embassy in the United States said in a response to the global times global network on the 29th that China would take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of its enterprises.

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